邊境實驗室負責人 曾定鈞:運用設計思維工具,達到超乎預期
天下雜誌數位企劃主任 杜雨潔:既然躲不過數位廣告,就正面迎戰吧!
律師、作家 余宗鳴:找到最大共識值
2020 簡報狂熱者應知的十大趨勢
在去年我們發佈「2019 簡報狂熱者應知的十大趨勢」時,就曾經預測在今年配色一定會上榜,果不其然,整個 2019 年搜尋關鍵字「配色」的次數,在 BFA 簡報的官網所有訪問量中高於平均值的五倍之多,而色彩權威 PANTONE 每年公佈的年度色,也是越來越受到大家的重視。
而配色的觀念應用在商業情境,則可以先從企業識別系統 (CIS, Corporate Identification System) 開始思考起。絕大部份的企業都會有自己的品牌標誌、配色的使用規範,BFA 簡報也是,在對外且正式的簡報場合,這些規範應該要嚴格的被遵守,但在內部的場合,也許可以有些彈性,來增加工作者製作簡報的效率。
BFA 簡報推薦六個顏色給大家 :
黑、灰、白、企業識別色、企業識別色 (深)、企業識別色 (淺)
黑灰白做為視覺的基本色,然後以企業識別色 (這裡以紅色為例) 做為基礎,再加上一個深紅色,和一個淺紅色,總共六個顏色。
實際的應用我們看一個簡單的案例 :
但這個時候,只要在背景圖和文字之間,加入一個半透明的色塊 (任何顏色皆可),不止可以輕鬆解決這個問題,畫面還變的更有質感了呢。
圖標化應用在投影片設計上已經流行了三、四年的時間,其中經歷過平面化,通常為圖標化 1.0 的時代、到類扁平 (2.0) 的圖標,依然不褪流行。
也因為圖標化是如此的流行,因此到了 2020 年,簡報者開始在意圖標的獨特性,是否能代表自己的企業、風格、調性...等等
在前陣子由日本設計師 Holoko 與英國程式設計師 Rob 聯手製作的 Free icons of Taiwan,掀起了一波流行可見一斑,這是非常有代表的圖標。
而簡報小聚則分別在 2018 和 2019 的聖誕特別場,製作了獨特專屬的主題圖標。
借重字型公司 justfont 的金萱、金萱那堤字體,人們從 2017 年前開始,越來越在意字體的選擇。
從 2015 年開始,在投影片的邊界,加上一個邊框的設計一直是 BFA 簡報 的經典視覺代表。
16:9 早已是近幾年投影片的主流比例,但我們也觀察到,有些場合開始變的更寬了。
因應寬螢幕的比例,在簡報工具中的模版也推出了更多的左對齊的模版,在 16:9 的比例中我們非常推薦使用。
扁平化的設計在簡報中的應用,從圖標 (Icon) 開始流行,到了今年,不管是插圖、還是裝飾用的幾何圖形、線條...扁平化的設計將隨處可見。
人有五覺,在簡報中一定會用上的有兩覺 :
視覺 : 看投影片及簡報者
聽覺 : 聽簡報者口說
「打火哥」蔡宗翰在 2019 年 12 月來到簡報小聚分享,當時的登台就是一場高水平的沉浸式簡報,大家也可以在影音平台上找到他的精彩簡報。
2018 年 11 月,也是第 40 場的簡報小聚,我們邀請到「無光晚餐」的幕後策劃者,也是驚喜製造公司的陳心龍來分享,在他登台分享的後半段,我們將現場的燈光全部關閉,並偷偷在觀眾席間噴灑獨特的氣味,讓大家體驗部份「無光晚餐」的精神,這就是一段非常棒的沉浸式簡報。
終於,簡報講者開始意識到,聽眾其實並不在意 :
開場一個簡單的 Hello,就可以直接進入重點,比方說在培訓授課的情境說明今天的學習內容有哪些,然後就開始教學、在銷售提案的情境說明你可以解決的問題是什麼,或是為什麼對方需要你的產品 / 服務、在會議報告的時候告訴主管結論再接著說明原因...不管在什麼樣的情境下,人們更在意的一直都只有一個 : 我可以從你的簡報中得到什麼。
不要再用 Thank You 結尾了!
在內部會議的情境中,你可以參考下面的這張圖,將你的簡報最後一頁改成類似的樣子,明確的告訴對方,接下來的 Action Item 是什麼。
而在外部的情境,常見的誤區之一是要大家掃瞄 QR code,但事實上在台灣的使用習慣,大家是會去搜尋關鍵字,所以你可以試著在簡報最後一頁,提供一個可以找到你的產品 / 服務的關鍵字,做為最後的行動項目。
本文作者:BFA 簡報 編輯部
Lee _ TMAJI Square Business Consultant “ We should say yes to the challenges and difficulties.”
The seventh BFAevent.en was held in Taipei, on January 13th. The Featured Speaker was Lee, who is the MAJI square business consultant. He defined himself as a slashie because he could do product design, graphic design, brand consulting, and venue management. At the same time, Lee had to take care of his three babies. The story began in 2008, after Lee completed his military service. He couldn’t even get a job or have any chance to interview because of the financial crisis. However, he seized every chance that may bring the income. Though he studied product design, but if anyone who needed logo design, Lee would go for it. Luckily, soon Lee got a part-time job which was the assistant of the CEO of Hwataoyao, which is a beautiful garden where you can experience Taiwanese culture by making pottery. Later, the CEO introduced him to work in Huashan 1914, where used to be a wine factory but now with many shops for designers and restaurants. Lee became an expert in culture and creative industry. His experience helped him become the consultant of MAJI Square where supermarkets, bookstores, restaurants, and shops of lifestyle brands gathered. Because his third kid was born in 2018, he had to spend more time looking after the children. Lee made some adjustments of his working hours so that he could still work as the consultant and take good care of his family.
Vicky _ Top Luxury Brand CRM Data Analyst “ Execution is the most power weapon ever. The good seaman is known in bad weather.”
The seventh BFAevent.en was held in Taipei, on January 13th. Vicky was the After Speaker. She gave a brief self-introduction about how she became the data analyst in Louis Vuitton and shared the challenges she faced. Before going to Louis Vuitton, Vicky has been an English tutor for six years and helps more than 100 students to find their dream jobs or study abroad. Now Vicky creates her personal brand “Iron V” and becomes a medium writer. The topics focus on data and English learning, career choices, and personal growth relevant contents.
Chef _ Elitegroup (ECS) Project Manager “ Always love the world and care for those in need.”
The seventh BFAevent.en was held in Taipei, on January 13th. Chef is the project manager in Elitegroup Computer Systems Co., Ltd. now. He was invited as the before speaker. First, he pointed out why he chose ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as the main target for his business. Then, He introduced the job of business development in a metaphoric way. In the end, he shared many quotes from his idols that supported him when he was depressed. The last message that Chef wanted to convey in this speech was to always love the world and care for those in need.
Wesley _ Alpha Bridge Agency Consultant and Chief Trainer “ Knowing yourself better and cultivating your curiosity are the keys to finding the meanings of your life. ”
On November 28th, the sixth BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Wesley, Alpha Bridge Agency Consultant and Chief Trainer, presented as the Pro Speaker. Wesley is also a top business English lecturer, TESOL certified teacher, best-selling author and bilingual host. As the pro speaker of BFAevent.en, he shared with the attendants 2 secrets to living a successful life.
Vicky _ Top Luxury Brand CRM Data Analyst “ Even if something doesn’t make sense at the moment, don’t stop and don’t give up. ”
On November 28th, the sixth BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Vicky presented as the Before Speaker. Vicky is currently working as a Data Analyst at Louis Vuitton for the past two and a half years. Her job as a data analyst requires her to lead project performance measurement through in-depth data analysis as well as organize onsite and international fashion events for privilege clients. She has also been working as an English tutor for a total of 6 years. Focusing on training and speaking in a business environment, she has tutored a total of 100 students and helped over 60 of them land the job of their dreams at foreign companies. Vicky is also a writer and has a blog entitled Iron V. She often writes articles about career choices, data analysis, English learning, personal growth, etc.