With Great PowerPoints Comes Great Responsibility

With Great PowerPoints Comes Great Responsibility


An insightful perspective on the dependency, dangers, and traps of PowerPoint presentations.


PowerPoint is unrivaled when it comes to presentation tools. It is critical in multiple scenarios ranging from classroom lectures to wedding slideshows. The word “PowerPoint” is practically synonymous to “presentation”, just like “Kleenex” is to “tissue”. An incredible amount of 35 million PowerPoints are globally shared daily. So, we can confidently establish` PowerPoint as the golden standard to delivering presentations. 

投影片是很強大的簡報工具,不管是課堂講義還是婚禮影片等各種情境,投影片都十分重要,也已經成為簡報的代名詞,就相當於人們常用舒潔(知名衛生紙品牌)來代替衛生紙。全球每天會有大概 35,000,000 份簡報,所以毫無疑問投影片是簡報的黃金標準。

However, behind the slideshow, the presenter possesses the ability to influence an audience. If you are the presenter, it is highly important for you to carefully craft your content before jumping straight into PowerPoint. Whether it is in a class or meeting, mediocre presentations can cause a disconnect falsifying information. You, the presenter, are solely responsible to steer clear of various PowerPoint traps. This is a means to not only protect your reputation and integrity, but also provide the audience with an accurate and satisfying experience. 



Trap #1: Reading a story, not telling a story…

Remember your middle school to high school days, when you basically wrote your speech on notecards and memorized your presentation? Did you read the notecards word-for-word, quickly making eye contact at the end of each sentence? Well, that method is not half bad as just reading directly off your slides, which is a common practice among all age groups and occupations. 



Whether you are defending your thesis or pitching a new startup, it is never favorable to depend on your PowerPoint. If you are reading words verbatim, or closely paraphrasing text from your slides, this is known as the redundancy effect. Unless you are reading a story to kindergarteners, repeating text from your slides induces boredom and decreases engagement. 


Another shocking statistic is that each slide averages 40 words, which most likely means written sentences are utilized. There is nothing wrong using bullet points and stating key points, but it is excessive to write full-on grammatical sentences. 

另一個統計是,每頁簡報大約有 40 個單字,意味著文件上用了書面句子。用要點和陳述點寫內容沒問題,但寫語法完整的句子就太超過了。

A good rule of thumb, is to avoid full text, and focus on exercising words with accompanying visuals. As a presenter, you are not a narrator, but rather a storyteller using slides as your supporting pictures.


Trap #2: Content overload, brain overload

In relation to the last point, piling 40 words into a slide does not leave much room for the eye to breathe. Therefore, the visual intake of clutter on top of auditory information can be too tiresome for the audience. If you use PowerPoint, content control is of utmost importance in delivering a digestible presentation.


結合上文提到的 40 個單字在一個頁面中會造成視覺疲勞。特別是觀眾要在一邊聽的同時接受視覺的輸入,是十分疲勞的。所以內容控制對於傳遞一個容易理解和消化的分享十分重要。

Content overload can cause audiences to diverge from the main story, as our brains are not wired to efficiently manage visual texts and auditory messages. The visual support with full text can cause the crowd to read and listen to text at the same time, consequently causing mental disturbance. This issue also stems from the redundancy effect, which puts new pieces of information into short-term memory. 


Additionally, if the brain gets distracted, it will wander into the void of boredom. This notion is apparent, as 79% of most professionals confirm that most PowerPoints are boring. As previously mentioned, using little to no words and pure visuals (photos, charts, graphs, etc.) can help avoid overloading. 

另外,如果大腦分心,會讓人陷入無聊的空洞中。這個觀點很顯見,因為有 79% 的專業人士覺得投影片很無聊。如前所述,用很少的字甚至不用字,用單純的視覺 (圖片、圖表等) 可以避免內容過載。

Furthermore, multiple tactics can help mitigate overload, such as limiting each slide to three key points or deploying the 10/20/30 rule. There is no exact formula or single solution, but there is always room for improvement to enhance your masterpiece.  

像是限制每個頁面不超過三個重點或是遵循 10/20/30 原則,都是可以減輕過載的策略。沒有確切的公式或是單一的解法,但總有改進的空間可以加強我們的作品。

Trap #3: Beauty or the beast?

Your masterpiece does not only comprise of a great story, but a great painting. Once the story is crafted and outlined, then you focus on design aesthetics and plug-in content. However, I have seen too often, individuals either spend too little or too much time designing their deck. So, respectively, slideshows are either horrendous looking (beast) or incredibly eye-pleasing (beauty). 



As the author and artist of your story, you must find a balance between writing and painting your story. If you start in PowerPoint without planning, write content into text boxes and design each slide along the way… you may think you are killing two birds with one stone, but in reality, you are splitting and only using 50% of your creative energy per task. If you construct a linear process, segment content creation and slide design, you will most likely produce better results. 


A survey of professionals expressing the challenges of shaping a compelling storyline (46%) and creating a beautiful deck (45%) can be a telling point that simultaneously working on both may produce poor results. 


Overall, as a presenter, you can imagine yourself as Steven Spielberg, as you need to first concoct an intriguing script before shooting your movie scenes. In my experience, spending more time in creating, condensing and controlling your content will output higher presentation performance. Moreover, immersing yourself in the process of story development, will strongly benefit your ability to convey your message with or without visual aid.  

總的來說,作為一個講者,把自己當成 Steven Spielberg,在拍攝電影前先編排有趣的劇本。以個人經驗來說,花更多時間來創作、壓縮和控制內容將會產生更好的分享。此外,讓自己沉浸在故事發展中,無論有沒有視覺輔助,都會很大提高傳遞訊息的能力。

PowerPoints are PART of the presentation, they do not constitute the FULL presentation. Therefore, slides are meant to support your story content by providing visual support and reference points. 


本文作者:BFA 簡報