Kyle _ Blizzard Entertainment Associate Brand Manager "How do we position ourselves? BFA: Be open, flexible, and adaptive"

At the 4th anniversary of BFAevent, Before Speaker Kyle shared his insight from his personal and professional life, combined. Speech title: How do we position ourselves? With this intriguing question, Kyle focused on his experience and takeaways from gaming and sports.

「我們該如何定位自己?」簡報小聚肆週年慶的 Before Speaker Kyle 從這個引人入勝的問題展開,聚焦他從遊戲和運動的經驗與收穫,與聽眾分享來自人生和事業的洞見觀察。


Working 4 years at one of the world’s largest gaming companies, Blizzard, Kyle is a user of his company’s products: games. Aside from gaming, he is also a skier and basketball player.

在世界知名遊戲公司暴雪任職四年多的 Kyle 同時也是自家遊戲的忠實玩家,此外也熱衷於滑雪及籃球。

In games, there are three main types of roles. Namely, tank (meat shield), support (healers), and damage (damager). With his personal experience in both playing games and basketball, he offered an interesting comparison of those roles to basketball positions: center, point guard, and power forward, respectively.

Kyle 向觀眾介紹遊戲世界中三個主要角色類型,分別是坦克 (肉盾)、補師 (治療者) 與攻擊者。他結合電玩與籃球的經驗,將這些角色分別對應到籃球場上的球員分工:鞏固境區防守的中鋒、組織進攻,掌握隊友狀況的控球後衛,以及負責衝鋒陷陣的大前鋒。

Kyle learned from one basketball game, where he had to step in for a team member: For the team, sometimes you need to choose what you’re not really good at. One needs to be flexible, as life really can be unpredictable yet we all need to deal with it.

在一次球賽中,Kyle 必須代打自己不熟悉的位置,讓他領悟到,有時候為了團隊,必須選擇自己不那麼擅長的任務。人生難預料,需要以彈性來應對。

His suggestions? See the bigger picture. For our family, work, and friends, many things are ever changing all the time. In other words, we have more than one role in life. As a champion e-sport team needs flexible gamers, who more than often make the biggest contribution to the team, we need to be multi-position players.

「綜觀大局」,Kyle 這樣建議:無論是家庭、工作和朋友,事物總是不斷變化,換言之,我們在人生中都要扮演多樣的角色,如同在電競冠軍隊伍中,貢獻最多的選手往往是擁有調度彈性,能勝任不同功能的那位。我們也需要成為能在賽場上打好不同位置的球員。

To conclude, how do we position ourselves? Be open, as the starting point. Next, look for the big picture so we see the multiple aspects of things. Finally, be adaptive & flexible. Last but not least, did you notice Kyle used BFA in the three things he talked about? Happy 4th anniversary, BFAevent!

總結一句,該如何找到自己的定位?第一步是開放心胸,接著尋從多元角度觀察,以看見全局。最後保持足夠的彈性。簡報尾聲,Kyle 秀出在最後一張簡報埋藏的巧思:在投影片中隱藏了 BFA 三個字母的彩蛋,祝簡報小聚肆週年快樂!



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