BFAevent.en 簡報小聚英文版是 BFA 簡報旗下專注於國際溝通的職場人社群,致力於為職場人士提供「國際溝通」學習與分享平台,喚醒每個人的職場影響力。
承襲 BFA 簡報小聚交流互動與分享的精神,每次聚會由「主題分享」與「自由交流」兩個環節組成。「主題分享」將由三位講者(Before, After, Pro Speaker)依次帶來 12 分鐘的英文簡報溝通故事、經驗或技巧分享。
而在下個月的聚會,Before Speaker 將在與簡報顧問與英文顧問一對一交流後再次登台,成為 After Speaker。我們希望透過簡報小聚英文版定期線下聚會,並融入英文的國際元素,讓每一位參與的夥伴們看到英文溝通能力的提升,開啟更加多元的國際溝通體驗。
BFA 簡報官網:
BFA 簡報粉絲頁:
As a branch of BFA, BFAevent.en aims at building a learning and sharing platform in a global setting for professionals to lead influential communication in the workplace.
Inheriting the spirit of BFA in interacting and sharing, each gathering consists of two parts, “Panel Sharing” and “Idea Exchange.” “Panel Sharing” is a 12-minute English presentation where three speakers (Before, After, Pro Speaker) share their stories and tips on presentation skills.
In the following gathering, the Before Speaker will go on stage again as an After Speaker after a one-on-one consultation with experienced speakers and English consultants. Through these gatherings and English materials in a global setting used in the discussion, participants can see their improvement in English communication skills and embrace diverse experiences in global communication.
Friends and enthusiasts from all fields are welcome. Enjoy the evening by getting involved and exchanging ideas with professionals from all walks.
BFA official website:
BFA fan page:
Passion / Shopee Brand Marketing
Passion 現為 Shopee 的品牌行銷,曾為業界最年輕的獵頭顧問,面試過近千位業界專才,協助知名企業媒合高階專業經理人才,也把自己獵進超跑Ferrari法拉利擔任行銷公關,舉辦賽道活動、經營頂級車主協會。目前就讀台大 EMBA 學分班。
她熱愛冒險,跑進國際鐵人三項賽事分組第十名; 熱愛大自然,登山、潛水、滑雪、健身是她生活的一部分。
Passion / Shopee Brand Marketing
Passion is a brand marketing of Shopee, used to be one of the youngest Headhunter consultant in the industry, also linked her to get the chance to join Ferrari as PR & Marketing, hold track events and manage Ferrari top membership club. She is currently studying National Taiwan University EMBA Certificate program.
Passionate about adventure and nature, hiking, diving, snowboarding, and workout is part of her life, she has won No.10 in international triathlon race as for her age category.
With the motivation to encourage more people to experience an outdoor and healthier life, she shares the adventure and workout life on social media.
Elvis/Gogoro 資深車主社群經理
林奐名(Elvis),4 份工作皆任職於知名企業:統一、雀巢、 85 度 C 和 Gogoro 。先在 Gogoro 的首間實體門市 – 信義全球體驗中心擔任總店長,後成為 Gogoro 車主社群經理,透過線上跟線下操作,轉動 Gogoro 社群,產生大量行銷內容與媒體效益,並創造正向改變,更曾引領 1,303 位車主創下金氏世界紀錄。加入 Gogoro 前,是貨真價實的咖啡職人,號稱血液裡的咖啡因濃度高達 95% ,並擁有「巴西專業咖啡鑑定師」與「國際咖啡品質鑑定師」雙證照。教育訓練以及演講經驗橫跨社群行銷、咖啡、履歷表/自傳/Cover Letter 撰寫、面試技巧與職涯諮詢等主題。
Elvis/Gogoro Senior Community Manager
Elvis Lin has possessed rich experience in both sales and marketing field. Before joining Gogoro, he was a coffee expert in well-known companies like Nestle. His first role in Gogoro was our Flagship Store Manager, and he led a strong team to build tip-top standard and foundation for our retail operation. He then joined marketing team as Community Manager to establish an impactful community sharing common belief, camaraderie, and love towards brand by integrating online and offline activities; the most notable achievement was he led 1,303 Gogoro owners to break the World Guinness Records of The Largest Parade of E-scooters. He has already given more than 50 trainings and speeches on subjects of Community Marketing, Coffee, Resume Writing, Interview Skill, and Career Planning.
Zoe / Audi Taiwan 數位事業專案經理
Zoe 是台灣奧迪數位事業暨通路管理部門的專案經理,她的部門致力於汽車產業數位化及新興商業機會。在台灣,她協助奧迪探查、媒合新創科技,並擴展、活絡台灣智慧移動網絡。2018 年,她所負責的台灣奧迪新創計畫首此啟動,目標以台灣作為智慧移動新創基地,讓具備潛力的科技有機會與總部進行交流。同時,她也執行車聯網事業導入專案,包括市場評估,並整合相關基礎設備至事業體系。起初,她以亞太區國際培訓計畫加入奧迪台灣,並完成於德國總部實習。她於國立交通大學傳播與科技系取得碩士學位,並完成美國密西根州立大學的媒體心理研究學者訪問計畫。
Zoe / Audi Taiwan Digital Business Project Manager
Zoe is a project manager of Audi Taiwan Digital Business and Dealer Network department, a function dedicating digital business development and new models in automotive industry. She is responsible for digital projects, identifies cross-industry innovation, addresses scouting criteria for startup, and fosters a smart mobility network in Taiwan. In 2018, she was responsible for the setup of the very first of Audi Innovation program from concept to execution, to position Taiwan as a source for sophisticated technology solutions. She is also in charge of introducing connected car functions to the market, consolidating market readiness, harmonizing business processes, and IT solutions. Prior to that, She firstly started Audi Taiwan with an APAC International Trainee Program and conducted the rotation in Audi headquarter, Germany. She has an MA in Communication Technology from National Chao Tung University and a visiting scholar in Media Psychology from Michigan State University in U.S, 2016.
Rey / POWER FOR POINT Senior Trainer
Rey was born in Germany, received his education and started his career in the United States. He moved to Taiwan in 2014 to pursue his MBA and work within the startup scene. Currently, Rey is a PhD student and part- time university lecturer at Yuan Ze University. Additionally, he is involved in multiple project roles as a researcher, project manager and consultant.
Rey’s 7-year work experience covers a range of industries, but one major commonality he noticed is the ability to efficiently communicate ideas. His diverse background allows him to provide a broader perspective on presentation mechanics. As a lecturer, his mission is to deliver presentation- based skills to his students. He firmly believes in storytelling and branding aptitudes, as a vital tool to developing strong careers and businesses.
Recently, Rey focuses on building well-branded and effective corporate social responsibility programs. He hopes to continue learning, while effectively applying his knowledge to meaningful initiatives.
活動時間(Time) ► 2019/05/23(四) 19:30 開放進場
活動地點(Venue)► Kafnu 12F,台北市松山區民生東路三段 101 號 12 樓(近捷運中山國中站)
關於 BFA 簡報:
BFA 簡報是一個專注於職場溝通的平台,也是台灣首個簡報溝通主題社群。我們致力於為職場人士提供最好的「溝通」學習與分享平台,喚醒每個人的職場影響力,提升華人整體簡報水平。
在 BFA 簡報線上平台,我們提供簡報溝通相關的資訊與文章。持續創作的同時,整合華人世界最負盛名的簡報專欄,更與眾多國外媒體合作,將他們最好的作品翻譯成中文以饗讀者。線上平台之外,BFA簡報也會定期舉辦線下聚會,讓我們的會員不僅可以在線上學習簡報知識與技能,還可以透過實體活動與簡報同好相互交流,現場向簡報專家請益諮詢,共同見證改變的力量。BFA簡報期許未來成為華人世界最好的簡報溝通社群。
A platform for communication and sharing experiences.
BFA is dedicated to building a platform for workplace communication and is the first themed community in Taiwan that promotes presentation skills. A platform that allows professionals to exchange ideas and lead influential communication to improve the overall presentation skills in the Chinese society.
On BFA online platform, as we gather news information regarding presentation skills from various sources in the Chinese society, we also work together with foreign media and translate articles with valuable information into Chinese for our readers. In addition to online learning, BFA holds gatherings on a regular basis for members to meet professions from different backgrounds to exchange ideas. Experienced speakers in presentation will be invited to share personal views that can bring innovation. It is our goal to make BFA the best community for exchanging ideas and improving communication in the Chinese society.
關於 CLN 新貴語文顧問:
新貴語文顧問有限公司 (Clarence Language Network,簡稱 CLN) 創立於 2014 年,致力於引領企業用外語佈局全球、教導學員以外語提升競爭力,讓客戶自在使用外語的同時,亦深刻體會外語豐富其生命的美好。
我們的服務項目包含英文公開課程、企業內部教育訓練、專案口筆譯等,旨在解決客戶面臨所有因語言所衍伸的相關問題。CLN 在提供顧問服務前,幕後團隊會與客戶深度訪談、走訪其所在產業,了解客戶所面臨的瓶頸、提出研究企劃,進而提供客製化的課程、訓練和服務。
Founded in 2014, Clarence Language Network (CLN) is committed to assisting companies in expanding to global markets by using foreign languages. With the professional advice from CLN, companies can experience efficient communication and become more competitive by improving their employees’ language proficiency.
CLN solves all language-related problems for its clients through English courses for the public, corporate training programs, translation and interpreting services, etc. Before providing professional advice, a specialized team of CLN will discuss with clients to understand the problems faced and formulate customized training programs and services accordingly.