BFA 簡報

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Clarence M. Davis _ CLN CEO "Power your English presentation with the use of amazing voice."

On January 23rd, the first BFAevent.en was held in Kafnu, Taipei. Clarence, CEO of CLN, presented as the Pro Speaker, who pointed out the importance of pronunciation and intonation in English presentations. Good pronunciation helps convey correct messages, while a pleasing voice helps speakers engage their audience and attract attention.

1 月 23 日,首場簡報小聚英文版舉辦於 Kafnu 台北旗艦館,「CLN 執行長 Clarence」受邀擔任 Pro Speaker,分享英文發音及語調對英文簡報的重要性。發音正確才能正確傳達資訊、聲音豐富才能引人入勝吸引全場專注聆聽你的簡報。

Clarence opened with the three elements to a successful English presentation, namely “presentation structure,” “visual design,” and “message delivery.” Efficient delivery of messages involves pronunciation and voice use. With examples, Clarence shared tips on making a good English presentation.

一開場 Clarence 先是說明英文簡報應具備的三大要素,「結構企劃」、「視覺呈現」及「訊息傳遞」,而其中「訊息傳遞」的概念包含「發音」及「聲音」,Clarence 便是以此兩個要素為主軸,分享如何呈現好的英文簡報。



Using a short video featuring an Italian speaking English, Clarence demonstrated how to roll your tongue and close lips, which are keys to correct pronunciation. A professional speaker should avoid mispronunciation that could send out confusing messages. Clarence further explained that an accent should not be the reason that people refrain from speaking foreign languages, just as it’s hard to find a foreigner speaking Mandarin flawlessly. In other words, whether with an accent or not, good pronunciation is always a priority to good message delivery.


活動中 Clarence 引用義大利人說英文的小短片,說明發音的重要性。舌頭是否卷舌、嘴唇是否閉合等,無一不是發音該注意的細節。一場專業的英文簡報,更應要避免因為發音不正確而傳遞出錯誤的訊息。Clarence 接著跟各位分享,別因為口音而沒有自信,如同我們不會糾正外國人需要字正腔圓。所以有口音沒關係,但發音絕對要避免產生誤會。



With the demonstration from the voice master, Meryl Streep, Clarence explained that a person’s voice can convey different traits according to occasions and atmosphere. For instance, your tone can be sexy, diligent, or even high and mighty. Using different voices brings out various impressions about a person, and it helps attract the audience’s attention in presentations. Another example was from the famous talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres, who showed that visual aids could be more than just slides. Using props occasionally, Ellen could get her messages across and engage her audience even better.


藉由聲音大師 (voice master) 梅莉史翠普的示範,Clarence 向現場各位說明聲音可以是性感的、勤奮的或是不可一世的,運用聲音因應不同場合、氣氛,將自己在簡報或是演說時的氣場帶出來,更能夠達到吸引觀眾目光的目的。而接下來脫口秀大師 Ellen 的示範,更讓我們體認到,一場好的簡報並不侷限於投影片,就像 Ellen 運用不同的道具,更能夠清楚地傳達資訊、引發觀眾的共鳴。


Through the videos of both native and non-native speakers of English, Clarence identified the importance of pronunciation and the use of voice in English presentations. Correct pronunciation helps get messages across without mistakes, while a voice that fits the occasions can strike a chord with the audience. Through Clarence’s demonstration, the audience learned a lesson -- “If you can use your voice well, you can actually make a difference!”

Clarence 藉由母語人士與非母語人士的影片,清楚說明英文簡報中發音與聲音的重要性:發音正確,資訊傳遞才能無誤;聲音符合情境,才能引起觀眾的共鳴。藉由 Clarence 的簡報,觀眾體會了發音和音調的重要性,“If you can use your voice well, you can actually make a difference!”。

本文作者:BFA 簡報、CLN 新貴語文顧問

BFA 簡報:


BFA 簡報是一個專注於職場溝通的平台,也是台灣首個簡報溝通主題社群。我們致力於為職場人士提供最好的「溝通」學習與分享平台,喚醒每個人的職場影響力,提升華人整體簡報水平。

在 BFA 簡報線上平台,我們提供簡報溝通相關的資訊與文章。持續創作的同時,整合華人世界最負盛名的簡報專欄,更與眾多國外媒體合作,將他們最好的作品翻譯成中文以饗讀者。線上平台之外,BFA簡報也會定期舉辦線下聚會,讓我們的會員不僅可以在線上學習簡報知識與技能,還可以透過實體活動與簡報同好相互交流,現場向簡報專家請益諮詢,共同見證改變的力量。BFA簡報期許未來成為華人世界最好的簡報溝通社群。


CLN 新貴語文顧問:

新貴語文顧問有限公司 (Clarence Language Network,簡稱 CLN) 創立於 2014 年,致力於引領企業用外語佈局全球、教導學員以外語提升競爭力,讓客戶自在使用外語的同時,亦深刻體會外語豐富其生命的美好。

我們的服務項目包含英文公開課程、企業內部教育訓練、專案口筆譯等,旨在解決客戶面臨所有因語言所衍伸的相關問題。CLN 在提供顧問服務前,幕後團隊會與客戶深度訪談、走訪其所在產業,了解客戶所面臨的瓶頸、提出研究企劃,進而提供客製化的課程、訓練和服務。

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